Eight Questions to Make Your New Year Better
Now is a good time to stop, reflect, and make necessary adjustments for a successful new year! Just ask yourself these eight questions to help you up have the best year yet.
Now is a good time to stop, reflect, and make necessary adjustments for a successful new year! Just ask yourself these eight questions to help you up have the best year yet.
When you experience trials in your life, do you still desire to glorify God? Learn how there are Christians around the world striving to be effective witnesses for the Gospel, even in the face of persecution.
We can learn so much from the Persecuted Church as we focus our prayers on those who suffer for their faith all around the world.
What would happen if prayer had a proper place in your priorities? Discover how prayer is the greater work above everything else we can do.
One of the greatest places to live out your faith is your workplace. At church, you are primarily around Christians, but your work environment gives you the opportunity to be a light for Christ to unbelievers and believers.
Nehemiah acknowledged God’s power and took the next step in obedience and faith. He made the decision to follow God’s calling, will you? Check out this weeks post!
God tells us to remember His faithfulness. Can you recall a memory of your experience of God’s provision?
When people hear your NAME what comes to their mind? Does it remind them of a positive or negative impact you had on them?
Have you gone through a tough challenge that led to you seek God as your strength? Run to Him for your REFUGE just as these refugees do.
New believers are often like newborn babies, needing to be cared for and guided. They should not be expected to fetch their own "spiritual food" but should be led and nurtured by mature Christians. Check out these helpful practices for being a successful spiritual parent.
Stretching is important, not only for your muscles but in many other areas of life. Allowing God to help you stretch your spirit is one. Have you done your spiritual stretching lately?
If you haven't already, now is a good time to stop, reflect, and make necessary adjustments so that 2018 can be the best year of your life. Here are eight questions to help set you up for a successful year!
After the passing of a friend, Martin realized he may have been the man's only chance to learn about Jesus. See how Martin learned the urgency of spreading the Gospel and how he lives it out in his life.
Caught up in our vision for the end goal, it can be easy to grow impatient with the baby steps along the way. But little by little, those baby steps get you where you're going. What small steps can you take toward your goals?
Bill Blankschaen identifies true Jesus followers as "Faith Walkers." Too often, leaders lead from a position of self-reliance rather than a deep, vitalizing faith in God. In this podcast, Bill challenges that reality and offers a great “field guide” for moving into a life of authentic faith.