Prioritizing Your Prayer
The scriptures are filled with accounts of prayers going forth to God, and God responding to the prayers of His people. We are told to pray about everything (Philippians 4:6-7), pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), and to ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7). There is no doubt that prayer is important and powerful.
One of my favorite statements concerning prayer was made by Oswald Chambers. He said,
“Prayer does not equip us for the greater work;
prayer is the greater work.”
For Chambers, prayer is the greatest thing we can do. If we prioritize prayer, then we will be more effective, more fruitful, and more faithful to God in all other efforts.
The great Billy Graham was the leading evangelist of the twentieth century, and one of the greatest evangelists in history. He preached to over 210 million people in 185 nations. He was known by many throughout the whole world as the “preacher of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ.” In a story told recently by his grandson, Billy Graham shared something profound as he neared the end of his life. He said, “If I could go back and do things over, I would preach less, and pray more.” Prayer is indeed the greater work.
Dare to ask God to help you prioritize prayer in your life, as He is ready to do great things through you!
This Dare to Ask God is inspired by the Franklin Graham Prayer March 2020 that recently took place in Washington, DC, USA.
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?