Unwavering Commitment

persecuted and unreached

Bibek. I am a pastor and church planter in a remote region of northwest Nepal. Currently, only 1.8% of the country's population proclaims Jesus Christ as their Savior. There is great work to be done. I deeply desired to be effective in my ministry, so when I heard about the History Makers training event, I knew I wouldn’t let anything stop me from attending. I packed my bags and began my long journey out of the mountains.

Arriving at the training event, I was surrounded by 44 other pastors who were eager and enthusiastic to learn; all highly motivated to reach our country for the sake of the Gospel. During one of the breaks, International Director, Dan Slagle, approached me and asked how far I traveled for the training event. I shared with him that it had taken me seven days to arrive. Shock crossed his face as he responded, “Wow, that must have been a tiring bus ride.” I clarified,


Dan Slagle. Bibek mentioned this as casually as if he had just walked down the street. I was stunned and convicted at the same time, promising myself I would never complain about a 24-hour plane trip again. I was moved to tears by his commitment and determination to better prepare himself for ministry.

There are men and women like Bibek all over South Asia who are hungry for more training. When I joined ILI in July of 2022, just over 400 leaders in South Asia were trained by year’s end. In 2023, that number more than doubled to 900. As of July 2024, 1,566 leaders have been trained with the Eight Core Values of the most faithful Christian leaders! God is on the move in South Asia through many leaders like Bibek who are ready to go the extra mile, literally, to be equipped to accelerate the spread of the Gospel.

Beauty from ashes

persecuted and unreached

The broken road is not one I would readily choose, but God’s faithfulness never fails. Through the pain, loss, and uncertain times, He’s produced in me a perseverance I would never know without the trials.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” — James 1:2-4

It was the day before my daughter, Marie’s, wedding when I got the horrific news...Marie had been killed in a car accident. Everything halted in my life, and the agonizing pain engulfed my spirit. Could God ever bring beauty from such heartbreak and grief?

Through His sovereign and loving plans, God directed my path to an orphanage of girls around the same age as my daughter. Over time, I found myself connecting and desiring deeper relationships.

The girls and I developed a deep trust, and they eventually opened up to share some devastating news — they were being sexually abused by the orphanage manager. The Holy Spirit stirred my heart with passion, I knew I was here “for such a time as this.”

The defense was long, but we brought the manager’s sins to light. The case was won and the orphanage was closed. The girls were safely placed between two homes and a different orphanage. Their lives drastically changed that day.

When I shared this testimony at the Egypt History Makers Journey earlier this year, I immediately felt a heaviness in the room. Six of the girls timidly approached me as I finished speaking with tears streaming down their cheeks. They explained that they, too, had experienced the same pain and suffering.

God especially drew me into Ana’s * heartbreaking story of being sexually abused by her cousin at the age of 12. When Ana found the courage to share with her mother of the trauma, her mother was enraged. For women in our culture, purity is believed to be the gateway to a marital future, so Ana’s mother blamed her for bringing shame on the family. In her anger, she attempted to drown Ana in a nearby river.

I am reminded of the story of the Good Samaritan when I realize how God saved Ana that day. Discarded and left to die on a river bank, God intervened through a man coming to dump his trash. The man, like the Good Samaritan, responded in compassion and rescued Ana from death. I am in awe of how God divinely brings beauty from ashes when all hope seems lost. Ana is now 23 years old, in love with a man, and engaged to be married. Not only has Ana been healed from her wounds but, in ultimate restoration from the Lord, her family also celebrates her healing!

Praise God for the History Makers training that gave Ana and these young women the opportunity to connect, restore, and be equipped to accelerate the spread of the Gospel.

*Name changed for security purposes. Event led by Yousef Sarkes, ILI International Director for Middle East North Africa.

Europe is ablaze

post christian

Twenty years ago, sitting on a veranda deep in the woods, God clearly spoke a vision into my heart… “Europe Ablaze with the Gospel.” I knew if I ignored God’s call, countless lives would be unreached by the life-transforming power of Jesus. So I said “yes!” and never looked back. Now, there is an unstoppable History Makers team leading the way for Europe.

In the last year, training events have taken place in Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Switzerland, and more. Spiritual fires are blazing up throughout the continent as the Gospel is proclaimed both online and in-person!

Turkey, Leading in a Muslim Nation

Being a Christian in Turkey means living among the 0.2%, less than 200,000, who proclaim Christ. For a nation with heavy religious oppression, there is great hope in the 32 men and women who were recently equipped from 10 different regions of Turkey. The visions God placed on their hearts will be the brightest testimonies of hope and love so many around them desperately need.

“This event has been an incredible opportunity! History Makers has given me direction on how to work through my God-given vision and how to take the next steps to accomplish that vision.” - Young church leader in Turkey

Armenia, Multi-Generational Training

In Armenia, 44 men and women graduated from a training event and were energized to share with others. They multiplied their training just a few months later. Gathering a unique group, 103 participants were inspired as senior leaders were equipped alongside younger, emerging leaders, both eager to pass on their legacy in Christ to the next generation.

Georgia, Alumni Training Event

A History Makers Summit gathered past ILI alumni from various regions of Georgia to connect, inspire, and celebrate with one another. As a group of key leaders, they explored the “What next?” for the multiplication of History Makers across Europe. During their time, they dreamed and sought God’s plans for the future.

In-Person Across Europe

Gaining momentum, teams have been excited for more face-to-face History Makers events in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Romania, Switzerland… and especially inspiring for Moldova, where 53 young leaders came together from across the nation.

Equipping Leaders Online in French

As COVID prohibited the world from meeting in-person, the ILI digital team quickly launched ILI training online as well as a self-paced, on-demand platform. French training was a priority to launch for the entire French-speaking world. Hundreds have already been equipped with the Eight Core Values!

As leaders accepted the challenge to multiply the training in their home countries, one leader courageously took History Makers to the islands of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean. The training sparked a new project to establish a Bible school that will serve all the islands of New Caledonia.


Greatest Gospel Growth

I was serving in the mission fields of The Gambia when God began to lead me in a new direction for ministry. He was calling me back to my home nation of Nigeria to mobilize the Church. That part was clear, but I never imagined the Kingdom impact that would soon come.

I have a deep passion for leadership and seeing others equipped to share the hope of the Gospel. When I had the opportunity to attend ILI's online History Makers training event, I realized the Eight Core Values were the missing link in my ministry. I eagerly accepted the challenge to multiply my training to others.

The training had my wheels spinning on how I could live my every day life with more purpose. I decided to start coordinating training events in my circle of influence while traveling for work. There was an open invitation for those willing to extend their trip to participate. In less than three years, God gave me the opportunity to train over 1,500 leaders as co-laborers for Christ.

One of those leaders, Olatunde, is a missionary serving in a highly restricted nation known for persecuting Christians. Full of passion and encouragement, Olatunde graduated and immediately multiplied his training to 92 pastors in a persecuted nation!

I'm seeing more and more that trusting God with my life will accelerate the spread of the Gospel throughout Nigeria and beyond. My joy overflows when I think about the eternal impact being made for God’s Kingdom.

*John Akusuu was trained online in 2020 and completed ILI's Flight School in 2022 (a specialized course launched in 2021 to equip alumni for leading ILI training events). Of the 4,000+ leaders equipped by the 1,194 Flight School alumni, John has trained nearly one-third!

The cost of knowing Jesus

Persecuted and Unreached

Born in Tajikistan, I was raised in a Muslim family. To convert to any other faith, especially Christianity, was extremely dangerous. Although I understood this reality, I surrendered when Jesus called me as a young woman. My family was confused at first but accepting. As my relatives found out, though, they demanded I reject Jesus and return to Islam.

I knew I couldn’t possibly deny Christ. I had found the meaning of life in Him. So I accepted the consequences: being stoned to death by town elders.

I gathered the largest stones I could find. Maybe then I would die quicker and feel little pain. But God reminded me, “I will be with you to the ends of the earth.”

He intervened and spared my life as I woke early the next morning and escaped to Kyrgyzstan. For years, I lost contact with my family until they decided to attend my wedding, an unexpected blessing. Each day, I pray for my family to accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

*Ulugai completed her ILI leadership training earlier this year and serves alongside her husband who pastors a local church and organizes ILI training events to equip men and women to spread the Gospel in Kyrgyzstan.

Meet Ingrida

post christian

Watch Ingrida’s Testimony.

Ingridga’s father was not a Christian, and although a Christian herself, Ingridga never had the courage to speak to her father about her faith in God. That all changed when she attended the Lithuania History Makers. The ILI Core Value of Family Priority motivated her to go back and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with her father.

“I couldn’t have imagined how History Makers would change my life… after that, amazing things started to happen, not only in our relationship, but I also began to see others come alongside him to explain and show the love of God to him.”

To Ingrida's surprise, her father's heart softened and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Ingrida credits the support system she gained at the History Makers Journey for giving her the courage and motivation to boldly live out her faith and help spread the Gospel to her own family.





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