Believe You Can Meet The Need — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Believe You Can Meet The Need

Nehemiah was just a cupbearer to the King when we first met him. After his brothers told him about the persecution in Jerusalem, his heart grew stirred.

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God was leading Nehemiah through a process to birth vision in his life, and he knew that God was calling him to take action, but would he?

When God is birthing a true vision in your life, you will feel a strong sense of urgency and responsibility. This urge will be wrapped in the quiet, persistent confidence that God is calling you to take action.

This step will require you to:

  • Acknowledge the power of God

  • Be obedient

  • Act in faith

Nehemiah even prayed this prayer,

Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man (the king).Nehemiah 1:11

Next week, Nehemiah will take action to meet the needs of his people (you will not want to miss this part of the story). For now, however, Nehemiah must, first, acknowledge God’s power in granting him success and make the decision to take the next step in obedience and faith.

Nehemiah made the decision to follow God’s calling, will you?

Dare to Ask God to grant you the confidence and vision to believe you can meet the need,