birthing vision — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

birthing vision

Believe You Can Meet The Need

Believe You Can Meet The Need

Nehemiah acknowledged God’s power and took the next step in obedience and faith. He made the decision to follow God’s calling, will you? Check out this weeks post!

What Would You Attempt for God If You Knew You Would Not Fail?

What Would You Attempt for God If You Knew You Would Not Fail?

Are you burdened today? Burdens provide passion for a vision to be achieved. What would you attempt for God if you knew you would not fail?

Open Your Heart to Discovering God's Vision for Your Life

Open Your Heart to Discovering God's Vision for Your Life

Many of us see needs around us, but few actually feel those needs! Read this week's Dare to Ask God to hear how you can move from seeing to feeling!