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ILI has partnered with our friends at YouVersion to develop devotional bible reading plans to help you grow your faith and leadership. The YouVersion Bible app is currently used by millions of people around the world.

Featured Reading PlanS

NEW YEAR: A Fresh Start

A new year equals a new beginning and a fresh start. It is a time to reset, refresh, and refocus on what's most important in your life. Having the best year ever starts by knowing you are made new through Jesus. Live new in the new year!

New Year: Living With Purpose

Everyone looks forward to a fresh start at the beginning of a new year. The way to have the best year yet is to be intentional with everything you do. God has created you for a purpose. This is the year to discover your purpose and learn how to live it out. * You can also join ILI's Special Prayer Team to receive this 4-day plan starting January 10th.


How to Have the Best Year Ever

Do you start each year with the best intentions, only to abandon your resolutions and goals again and again? It is time for all that to end! But it is not going to happen by accident. As you learn to be intentional with your spiritual life, avoid worry, increase your faith, and focus on others, you will discover the life you are meant to live. This year could be your best year ever!

The Power Of Vision

Vision is the single most important factor that differentiates good leaders from great ones. Explore the process that God uses to birth vision in the life of Christians.


Six Characteristics Of A Strong Family

Researchers studied families in over 30 countries to determine six characteristics of strong families. Despite their geographical and cultural differences, the families in the survey shared six distinct characteristics. In this six-day study, find out what they are, how you can begin applying them in your family, and how each characteristic fits into God’s grand design.



A family is more than the house they live in. So, as important as it is for a house to be built on a strong foundation, how much more should Christians strive to build their families on God, the strongest foundation? Find out how with this four-day devotional.


Easter: The Cross Before and After

Easter is about an encounter, a time when we experience the hope and love of a Savior who sacrificed His life for us, despite our deepest struggles, betrayals, and failures. Easter is a time to share the Good News of the empty tomb and the grace only found in the Risen Savior.


Before the Resurrection

Before there was the Resurrection of Christ, Christ walked the Earth. Read about the final days of Jesus and what we can learn about His life during the week leading up to His Resurrection.


The Power of Pentecost

Pentecost is an event which continues to impact Believers and the Church around the world to this day. Explore the power available to you because of Pentecost in this dynamic five-day devotional.


Preparing for the Power of Pentecost

With a zealous passion and clear vision, leaders long for meaningful change. Every leader desires to see God powerfully send His Spirit. Learn the seven things the Apostles did to prepare for the Spirit to come at Pentecost.


Leadership Prayers Like Jesus

Right now, you may be facing a difficult season as a leader. Leadership is never easy. With personal anxiety, team stress, and never-ending task lists, life can feel off-course. As Jesus faced His most difficult moments, He turned to prayer. Discover how Jesus' own prayers can impact every leader's needs.


Leading Through Change

Great leaders understand how to lead through change. Leaders are agents of change used by God to bring about His purposes in the world. As a Christian leader, how can you faithfully and successfully lead change? Explore how the leaders of the early Church led through radical change and how you can learn from their example.



Throughout the Scripture, we see God’s heart to reveal Himself to the world. God displays this in His creation, character, and love in many ways, to many people. Whatever the method, God wants to know you and be known by you. Explore several promises in the Bible that will help you realize God’s desire to reveal His glory and true love to your heart.


How to Lead in Uncertain Times

Uncertain times demand resilient faith and bold obedience. Now more than ever, we may face uncertainties in our relationships or careers. Too often, our finances, marriages, and parenting are crippled by the anxieties of the unknown. This three-day devotional will follow the story of Elijah and help us discover how to turn from fear to faith and lead through uncertain times.


A Life of Generosity

Do you want to live a more generous life? The answer is stewardship. It affects everything you are and everything you want to be. It involves your possessions, time, spiritual gifts, body, and leadership. As you learn to better steward everything God entrusts to you, you will begin to live a life of generosity!



Many circumstances and trials in life can shift our focus away from God. When you think about facing these things, how often do you consider them through a lens of gratitude? Living thankful every day helps you recognize the faithfulness of God in your life. Experience thanksgiving as you study through Psalm 100.


Find Rest in the Good Shepherd

We are all searching for more peace and rest these days. Psalm 23 shows us where to find it. As one of the most recognized chapters in the Bible, how often have you made these words personal in your own life? Discover how the Good Shepherd is the provider of your comfort, satisfaction, hope, and restoration.


Learning from the Persecuted Church

Christian persecution is one of the biggest human rights issues happening in our time. Today, over 260 million Christians are living in places where they experience high levels of persecution. We can learn great things from those who boldly witness for Christ.


Intimacy with God

The world needs people who are deep in their spiritual lives. This three day reading play will help you begin to explore how to pursue true intimacy with God through intentional effort and discipline in your life.


Passion For The Harvest

Experience God’s heart and passion for the billions who are waiting to know the life-transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just as our intimacy with God needs to be rekindled, so must our passion.



Christians must acknowledge their role as a Son or Daughter to the King of Kings. To live out of that identity is much more difficult. This 3-day study invites you to a relationship with God, your Father as a son or daughter so you can begin leading others to share in that identity with you forever. Are you ready to meet the Father?



Looking at the story of Christ's anticipated arrival at Christmas reminds us that Jesus came to be the fulfillment of God's promises and faithfulness. All our hopes and prayers are answered in the presence of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.


A Journey to Bethlehem

Christmas is a time of joy, hope and love. As we get ready to celebrate, we are going to take a journey to Bethlehem and experience the story of Christmas to prepare our hearts to receive the greatest gift of all - Jesus.


Advent: The Good News of Christmas

This Christmas, it's time to prepare for the arrival of Christ with joy, expectancy, and a heart full of wonder and worship. This unique plan guides you through rich layers behind ancient Hebrew words and phrases—each revealing how to eagerly await, truly hope, deeply receive, and humbly adore Jesus. Embrace the Advent season and reflect on the good news of Christmas!

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