Eight Questions to Make Your New Year Better

Christmas is over, and the new year is on the horizon. By now, most of us are back in the routine of work and ministry. Perhaps you had the opportunity to pause and set goals as we recommended in recent posts. Maybe you even had a personal retreat as we suggested in another post. Maybe, for many, the new year came so quickly that they never stopped to reflect. In any case, this is as good a time as any to stop, reflect, and make necessary adjustments so this year can be the best year of your life.

Eight Great Questions to Ask

These are eight probing questions I am asking myself several times during the first days of 2023. Whether you use these or write your own questions, this is a good time to pause, reflect, and set yourself up for success in the whirlwind of activities that lay ahead in the new year.

  1. How can I grow closer to God this year? Let’s commit to more praying, fasting, reading, meditating, studying Scripture, worshiping God with all our hearts, and serving Him with all our strength.

  2. What can I do to kindle the fire of my passion for those without Christ this year? You may need to visit and experience first-hand the "lostness" and need of others. Make sure to open your heart to be broken anew by the Spirit of God.

  3. How has my God-given vision evolved this year? Make sure to review your vision statement, pray, and reflect on how God is reshaping the vision He gave you. Perhaps He's giving new direction or adjusting that mental image of a preferable future.

  4. How can I share my faith in a more engaging and relevant way? Our culture keeps changing. Old methods won’t give you the same results. The message doesn’t change, but perhaps you need to adjust your methods.

  5. In whose lives will I invest in this year? There are believers needing to be discipled and leaders wanting to be coached and mentored. Which ones are God leading you to?

  6. What are my family goals for the New Year? Look for areas to grow and improve the family relationship.

  7. How can I manage my finances, time, and gifts to better honor God and cooperate with His Mission?

  8. Will I watch my character and guard my integrity at all costs, so I can finish the year well and be found faithful?

Again, these questions are designed to evaluate The Eight Core Values in your life. These values, which are at the center of what we teach at ILI, are not just teaching points.

They are not only for leaders but for every believer who wants to live and run the race faithfully with Jesus Christ. 

These questions help keep me focused on God’s purpose and goals for my life. These core values have helped countless leaders and believers all over the world. I hope you will embrace them and allow them to transform your own life.