Prayers for the Persecuted

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With the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church happening this Sunday, we want to pause and reflect on how we can learn from and pray for those who are suffering around the world for the sake of the Gospel. 

All levels of persecution around the world are not the same, but as believers, they all face a measure of risk. Many nations have a mandatory death sentence for being a Christian, while others simply restrict evangelism, but not personal belief. In almost all cases of persecution, Christians are discriminated against in terms of jobs, education, government positions, and financial opportunities. Even if a nation permits believers to meet and worship, some of these Christ followers are often restricted in terms of opportunity, and tend to become some of the poorest in their nation. 

We want to focus our attention on the needs of the persecuted believers everywhere. As Paul describes what he has learned through his times of trials and persecution in his letter to the Philippians, he concludes with this statement:

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of
His glory in Christ Jesus”. 
Philippians 4:19

Dare to ask God to open your heart to those who sacrifice and suffer for their faith and for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus. 

We encourage you to participate in the International Day of Prayer on November 1st, as we pray for protection and provision for our persecuted brothers and sisters around our world.  We hope you will join this movement as we lift up this prayer together: 

“Lord, we ask on behalf of the Persecuted Church that you would be both protector and provider for them. Protect them from government and social injustices. Protect them from family members that may persecute them for their faith. Be their shield and defender. Be their source and their resource. May you provide for the physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial needs, and may you be glorified as you are the foundation of their faith. Amen.”