integrity — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team


Maintaining a Life of Integrity

Maintaining a Life of Integrity

Every believer agrees that maintaining our integrity is one of best things we could for our spiritual life, but does it have to be so difficult. Read more to find out how to build consistency with maintaining your integrity.

Who You Are When No One is Looking

Who You Are When No One is Looking

In a broken world that is constantly trying to bring us down, striving for genuine righteousness throughout our lives is not easy, but the good news is… it is possible.

Lead with Integrity

Lead with Integrity

Does INTEGRITY come naturally to you? Most of us have to work to maintain this value. Check out these six practices for a clear roadmap to become a successful leader of integrity.

Storms In Every Season

Storms In Every Season

Storms are a part of our lives, but what matters the most is how we are prepared to weather these storms.

The Value of Integrity

The Value of Integrity

God is looking for more men and women who live holy lives and who are accountable to Him. Integrity glorifies God, protects leaders from stumbling, and encourages growth. How are you valuing integrity in your life?

Integrity on Fire (Literally)

Integrity on Fire  (Literally)

Keeping our integrity can be hard, just ask Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Read this post and be encouraged by their faithfullness through a (literal) fiery trial.

Live a Life of Bold Obedience

Live a Life of Bold Obedience

Are you living a life of integrity, even when doing so requires a step of bold obedience? Check out how Daniel’s confidence in God caused him to not compromise his integrity.

As One Friend Sharpens Another

As One Friend Sharpens Another

You are not called to pursue a life of integrity alone. Are you a part of a small group of people who are growing spiritually? 

You, Too, Can be a Promise Keeper

You, Too, Can be a Promise Keeper

Are you a promise keeper or do you struggle to keep your word? God always fulfills His promises. Check out a few of those promises here.

Integrity From the Inside Out

Integrity From the Inside Out

Integrity is aligning your inner life and outward life into a seamless whole person. Is your integrity aligned? Find out here.

Become a Person of Great Integrity

Become a Person of Great Integrity

Where do you need to grow in integrity in your life? Dare to Ask God to make your life look more like Jesus’ and be amazed as He begins to answer your prayer through repentance and joy!

Live a Life of Integrity

Live a Life of Integrity

We can be a reflection of Christ to others by living lives of integrity. Join us as we start our new series on Integrity.

Born or Made?

Born or Made?

Are leaders born or made? Could the answer be yes to both? Check out this post and see how a little of both are in leaders.

Celebrity Scandals and the Importance of Integrity

Celebrity Scandals and the Importance of Integrity

Integrity in simple terms is being truthful and sincere. Check out these four basic commitments that can help you protect your integrity.

All Systems Fail

All Systems Fail

Protecting integrity against “all systems fail” is essential. Check out these three simple practices that can go a long way in helping you avoid losing your integrity.



Those with positions who have influence and leadership are constantly at risk of throwing their influence for Christ away. Check out these four practices that can help us keep out integrity and finish well.

Small Acts - Great Legacy

Small Acts - Great Legacy

One small act could change the course of someones life and ultimately history. Here are 8 ways to be the leader who can CHANGE history.

Image or Integrity

Image or Integrity

We misplace our focus on our image daily as though it’s the most valuable aspect of life. However, our integrity is who we really are and that is of great value.



Does INTEGRITY come naturally to you? Most of us have to work to maintain this value. Check out these six practices for a clear roadmap to become a successful leader of integrity.



Every leader is just one step away from meltdown, but with integrity, accountability, and focus, we can glorify God in our leadership. Are you protected against leadership meltdown?