The Value of Integrity

There is a word that was not only in common usage in previous generations but was an important concept in society. The word is integrity. Though we know this word today, the impact doesn’t seem to have the same honor as it once did.


When Integrity mattered

In years past, integrity was highly valued and greatly esteemed. It was important to someone to be a person of integrity, and others were judged on the basis of their perceived integrity. Common phrases such as, “His word is his bond,” or “they had a handshake agreement” speak to the significance of integrity in daily life. Integrity mattered. It was highly cultivated and highly sought. An individual would deeply desire to be a person of integrity and be known by others. A person with integrity was greatly esteemed, and one without integrity was considered dishonorable and untrustworthy.

When Integrity mattered

It seems that much has changed in today’s society. The intrinsic value of integrity remains the same, but the perceived value of integrity is vastly different. We have continued to move further away from valuing integrity. Part of being a person of integrity is being consistent in your thoughts, words, and actions. It is also being truthful and keeping promises. It is when your word is all the guarantee that is needed. Currently, we are suffering from a massive void in these areas. In our society, we lack integrity and have ceased to value integrity.

integrity is missing

No one actually believes what politicians say because we have seen the lack of moral virtue in their lives and we watch their pre-election words change from poll to poll. Then, their after-election actions have little or nothing to do with their campaign promises. A lack of integrity is shared among all political parties to the extent that it seems that most politicians are willing to say or do anything to get elected.

Our sources for information have proved to be almost devoid of integrity. Gone are the days when journalists reported the news without bias. Currently, news outlets lack integrity in what they choose to report and how they choose to report the news. News networks contain very little information now. They have become “reality television shows,” with agendas to present and ratings to acquire. We see this even more clearly as social media platforms determine who may speak and what they may say and do so with incredible inconsistency.

living with integrity again

All of this is important because integrity matters to God. We are told in Proverbs 10:9, “One who walks in integrity walks securely, But one who perverts his ways will be found out.” The book of Job 8:20 tells us, “Behold, God will not reject a person of integrity, nor will He help evildoers.” 

May we be a people of such integrity that the world will notice and draw towards the Lord, the author of all that is good. 

“Lord, may the words of our mouths, the meditations of our hearts, and the works of our hands, be acceptable in your sight.”