The Battle Plan
Most Christians would agree that we are involved in a battle. It is not that we have a physical fight on our hands, but we are engaged in warfare, spiritual warfare. Sometimes it may be evident, and sometimes it may not be quite so apparent, but most of us realize that there is a battle to be fought if we are to be faithful as believers in Jesus Christ. Sometimes the battle may come in the form of overcoming temptation, discouragement, or depression, and sometimes conflict with others.
Ephesians 6: 10-18 speaks of this battle and gives us four keys to fighting successfully in this spiritual engagement. Let’s look at each of these four crucial components for victory in the battle.
Understand who the enemy is. It is hard to fight successfully if you fight the wrong person. We must know and remember who the enemy actually is. Verse 12 makes it clear that the enemy we fight against is satan. We don’t fight against flesh and blood. Our battle is not with a physical enemy, even if it seems like it sometimes. We wrestle against spiritual forces. We must keep aware that our enemy is not our boss or neighbor but rather the devil and the spiritual forces at his disposal.
Put on God’s armor. God has provided resources for us that will help us in battle. Just as our enemy isn’t physical, neither is our armor. We have things like truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, the gospel of peace, and the Word of God. These are the very things that help in any type of spiritual attack, and we must be careful to have them at our disposal at all times. These are the things that protect us from the slings and arrows of our enemy.
Stand Firm. According to Ephesians 6, victory is measured by our standing firm in the evil day. Three times in four verses, the words “stand firm” are used to describe the desired action for us in the battle. We are to stand firm, not wavering in our resolve, faithful. An old hymn taken from the scriptures says, “Like a tree planted by the waters, I shall not be moved.” Victory is found in standing firm.
Pray. Ephesians 6:10 says that we should “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” It is not suggested that we should rely on our own strength but rather on God’s. The battle is not won by our strength or our efforts but through Christ. This section of scripture ends with an admonition to pray. We are to pray at all times and to pray with all prayer and petition. Since this is a spiritual battle that must be won in and through God’s strength and power, we absolutely must be people of prayer. We are encouraged elsewhere in the scriptures to “pray without ceasing.” This is essential because there is no ceasing of our enemy’s malevolence, so we must move through each day in prayer. Prayer keeps us connected to the Source of our victory.
Understand who the enemy is, put on God’s armor, stand firm, and pray, pray, pray. That is the battle plan that will bring victory.
Around the world, God is utilizing mothers' gifts to nurture and develop the next generation of leaders. So, as we celebrate moms and spiritual mothers alike, we want to say thank you for your sacrifice. You are making a Kingdom impact.