A Bold Healing and Anointing — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

A Bold Healing and Anointing

We could never have imagined the life that God had in store for us when we first met.  Just seven months earlier, I (Joy) was still paralyzed and could not walk.

This is my story.


“Dear God, I know I am just a child, and I have parents and school, and I have to grow up. But when I do get grown, if there are still people in the world that do not know about you, I would love to go tell them.” 

This was my prayer and the desire and commitment God put in my heart at the age of 13. Yet, the dream looked physically impossible after I was paralyzed from a diving catch during a championship softball game.

The diagnosis I received was almost as paralyzing... I was told I would never walk again nor ever have children. Medical science and specialists could do nothing to help me.

Eighteen months after that accident, a humble, godly man prayed for me as I laid flat on my back. Instantly, I was miraculously healed! I could run, jump, and do every physical activity, but what is more significant is what God did in my heart during the year and a half I was paralyzed.

I learned who the Holy Spirit is and how He longs to do a second work of grace in the believer’s heart, cleansing us of pride and selfish ambition. I made a complete surrender of my life to Him; I was gloriously sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit.

I never dreamed as a little girl growing up on a dairy farm I would ever set foot on an airplane, much less preach and teach in scores of countries. How precious the opportunity has been to minister around the globe with Wes and our children, Hannah and Caleb. I have such joy seeing God save, sanctify, deliver, and heal the unreached in faraway places where I feel called.

Obedience to Jesus is pure privilege. The dictionary defines being "bold” as the ability to take risks, have confidence, and show courage. For me, boldness is easy when I have His presence and anointing. 

Dare to Ask God to surround you with His presence and give you the faith needed to live boldly for Him.

Until all worship,