What Would You Attempt for God If You Knew You Would Not Fail? — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

What Would You Attempt for God If You Knew You Would Not Fail?

Burdens provide passion for a vision to be achieved.
When Nehemiah heard about the need in Jerusalem where God’s people were oppressed and the city walls had been broken down, he prayed and fasted. As time passed, he felt bonded to the needs in Jerusalem and his burden increased.

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When God is birthing vision in your life, you see a need, and at some point, you cross the line from objective observation to a soulful yearning that something must be done. You mourn for what you have seen. The burden weighs heavily, and you cannot escape it. God is birthing vision inside of you.

Bill Borden was born into a wealthy family. After visiting many cities on a trip he took around the world, Bill felt a burden to reach the lost. Once he graduated from Yale University, he declined many job offers, and even gave away much of his family’s fortune because he had a vision to reach the world with the Gospel.

After his death, his family found these words penned in the back of his Bible, “No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets.”

What would you attempt for God’s Kingdom if you knew you would not fail?

This week, dare to ask God for a burden that births great vision.