Do the Work

I have always had a respect for mules. I know they can be stubborn and unruly at times, but they can really get the work done. These days farmers don’t depend on mules to plow their fields, but there was a time that a plow mule was more valuable than a racehorse. A racehorse may never win a race or even finish in the money, but you could depend on a mule to plow the land and make a crop. The mule wasn’t fast or flashy, but the mule was dependable. The mule would work day after day and get the job done.


That Horse has a Gift

Racehorses have their place, to be sure. They are beautiful, powerful animals, and they are exciting to watch run. But a champion racehorse is a rare breed. You can plow a field with almost any mule.

There is something that attracts us to the “racehorses” of any arena of life. We love the superstar athlete, the Oscar-winning actor, and the most famous musicians. We even see that bleeding over into our spiritual lives. There are a handful of Christian leaders who are known and appreciated by much of the Christian community. This is true of preachers, teachers, authors, and musicians. Though sometimes our “spiritual stars” are not what they seem to be, we are often gifted, sincere, genuine servants of God, who are a gift to the Body of Christ. But most of us aren’t racehorses. We are not, and will never be superstars in any arena of Christian life and ministry.

Gifted for Your Calling

We can, however, do the work we are called to do. We can show up every day. We can be faithful. We are called to be witnesses, to share the Gospel, to make disciples, to let our light shine, and to be “Ambassadors for Christ.” We are called to do the work. We can’t all be superstars, but we don’t have to be. Even with “spiritual superstars,” it is God who gives to increase. We may feel like we have a lot more in common with a mule than we do with a racehorse, and we may well be right. However, we need to remember that a mule is perfect for working the garden to receive a harvest. A mule can do the essential work.

Spend the Time on the Right Thing

We don’t need to spend time thinking of what we can’t do or are not equipped to do. We also should not spend our time watching and waiting for some spiritual superstar to do what we can do. Instead, we should do what we can do. We are responsible for the stewardship of the gifts and resources we have been entrusted with, but not with the gifts and resources we don’t have. As servants of the King, we should simply wake up every day to be faithful. We are not called to stardom but to labor in God’s harvest field. We are at our best when we simply show up and do the work.