Knowing God — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Knowing God

Staying Spiritually Healthy

Staying Spiritually Healthy

To serve God and live at our maximum potential, we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But, our health is more than just eating right and staying fit. It also requires us to stay spiritually fit too. Read more to find out how.

Genie or God

Genie or God

There is a tendency to view the God of the universe to be more like a genie. We seem to look at Him as the One who will fulfill our fondest desires, instead of giving him our greatest worship. Are you treating the Creator of the Universe as a genie or the One true God?

Do the Work

Do the Work

Leaders often slip into the comparison trap and focus on the talents they lack rather than the gifts they possess. It's time to steward your gifts well to accomplish the things God has called you to do.



Around the world, fireworks are used to celebrate holidays and major events. Just as fireworks light up the night sky, read how you are called to be a “light in the world” for Jesus.

The Heart of Our Heavenly Father

The Heart of Our Heavenly Father

God’s love can best be known through experiencing his love as our Heavenly Father. When you truly know this love, you understand what He offers you as His child.

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Our identity is best defined when we know who we belong to rather than who we are. Being confident we are God’s child helps reflect who He is in our lives to others.