Choosing God No Matter What the Cost

Where is your God now? This is the question Awatef was asked after losing everything - her job, her car, and her house. Yet, she had found peace, even after sacrificing all her possessions in order to stand firm on her convictions to boldly represent the Savior she follows.

This is Awatef's story...

At a local tea shop in my home country of Tunisia, I sat across the table from my friend as she posed the question to me,

"After all that has happened to you, where is your God now?”

My friend does not share my faith in Jesus. She, along with 99% of the Tunisian population, my family included, adhere to the official state religion of Islam. “Well, where is he?” She asked a second time with genuine concern. I picked up my spoon and began to stir my cup of tea. I reflected back on the last two years, searching for the answer to her question. I had a house, a car, and a good salary from my job at the local school. Everything changed, though, when my boss asked me to illegally lower the teachers’ salaries. Without a second thought, I boldly refused. I was probably the only Christian these teachers would know.

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If I compromised and broke the law to save my job, what message would that send about the Savior I represent?

Even after weeks of continued threats and pressure, I held firm to my convictions. As a result, I was fired from my job. With no income, I was forced to move out of my house where I had been hosting a weekly church service. In order to pay the monthly mortgage, I rented out my home, which meant the church had to find a new meeting place. I even made the decision to sell my car to keep up with ongoing bills. The reality hit hard; all of this was happening because I refused to compromise my convictions.

I looked up from my tea with confidence and replied, "He is where He has always been. He is by my side.”

“How can you say that?” My friend asked, clearly puzzled, “You lost everything.”

“I lost many things, but the Lord has met every one of my needs. Work may be inconsistent, but with the help of some family and friends, I have kept a roof over my head and enough food in my stomach. My situation has not been easy, but worth the cost."

"My relationship with God has deepened, and I have been an authentic Christian witness to so many. I have learned first hand that when you are obedient to God, He is faithful to provide.”

When you are challenged, Dare to Ask God to give you the courage to be an example for others by standing up for what is right.  

Until all worship,


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