Church Leaders

Sharing Jesus in the Face of Death

Sharing Jesus in the Face of Death

At that moment, as Yaqub was filled with the Holy Spirit, all that mattered was witnessing to one more soul about Jesus.

Choosing God No Matter What the Cost

Choosing God No Matter What the Cost

Choosing what's right can be tough. If Awatef compromised and broke the law to save her job, what message would that send about the Savior she represents?

Saying Yes to God

Saying Yes to God

Saying yes to God can be difficult, especially when He calls you to leave everything. God opened a door for Chhuana but would he go? Here's his story.

God's Response to Our Faithfulness

God's Response to Our Faithfulness

During our lives, certain choices shape and define who we are and where we are going. When faced with these questions, what will we do?

Be Prepared for Tomorrow by Obeying Today

Be Prepared for Tomorrow by Obeying Today

Shih-Ming knew the Holy Spirit was calling him to prepare. Even though he didn't know yet what it was for, he still trusted God. This is his story.