Baby steps always add up. Make sure the steps you take are in the direction you want your faith to go.
Why Are You Here?
Have you ever wondered why you were created? Our lives are not random. They are divinely designed by God, who has a purpose for our lives and purposes for our time.
Power in the Little Things
Every little thing we do in faithful obedience to Christ is not a little thing to God. Our faithful steps are big to God, and He is able to use little things in our lives in big ways.
The Declaration of Creation
When you look at the colors stretched across the sky during a setting sun or the bold and beautiful waves of flowers in a field you cannot help but see the wonders of God’s craftsmanship.
Spiritual Weedkillers
Learn how spiritual disciplines will feed our soul and counteract the poison of the "weeds" the enemy tries to sow in our lives.
The Cost of Non-Discipleship
According to the Great Commission, our primary task as followers of Jesus is to make disciples. If we do not live as disciples who make disciples, then there will be a cost.
Spiritual Showers and Spiritual Flowers
Just as flowers need the rain to grow, the storms in our lives help produce stronger faith and spiritual growth.
Good Friday
Good Friday is a somber and reflective day to remember how Jesus traded His life for our sin. Without the things that took place on this day, we would not be able to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.
Maundy Thursday
On the Thursday of Christ's final week before being crucified and resurrected, He said this commandment to His disciples. Jesus said to His gathered disciples, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.“
Equality Needs an Equalizer
As Christians, we care about the equality of people, but we should remember to be guided by what the Bible teaches concerning these issues. Here are seven essential truths concerning equality and how we all can find common ground through Jesus.
Reporting for Duty
As believers, we are called to join with others to serve the commandments and commissions that God gives us. In light of your calling to be a servant of Christ, are you ready to report for duty?
The Madness of March
Usually, this time of year in the US, college basketball dominates the attention of many as they compete to be the best in the nation. However, issues of war, conflict, political discourse, and economic struggles are consuming us now. Thankfully, our God offers comfort and hope in a season of madness.
The Enemy's Dangerous Noise
Noise can be a powerful tool in the hands of our Enemy, and it can be dangerous for us. He doesn’t have to get us to listen to him. He just needs to keep us from hearing the voice of God.
Why are Christians Called Sheep?
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are often called His sheep. Have you ever wondered why? The answer can help us understand more about our relationship to the Lord, our Good Shepherd.
Take the Risk and Swing the Bat
As a little league coach, I tried to get every player to swing the bat. I wanted them to try to hit and encouraged them to “take the risk, and swing.”
What is True Love?
One of our greatest desire in life is to know what true love really is. Discover the different ways God describes His love to us and for us.
What's New About the New Year?
Some things are not new but are unchanged and unchangeable, and this fact is extraordinarily comforting and good. God is not new. He remains unchanged.
Incarnation and Identity
Some great Christmas hymns offer wonderful theological insights. Read how “O Holy Night offers incredible insight on our identity in Christ.
Thankful for a Reason
As we read God’s word, it’s clear we should consistently spend our days giving thanks to God. Read more to find the many reasons why we should be so thankful.
The Problem with Righteous Flesh
God looks beyond our actions and into our hearts for obedience. Are you living according to your flesh rather than the Spirit?