Equality Needs an Equalizer

There are currently many conversations around the subject of equality. In particular, the focus is on racial equality, economic equality, gender equality, and many other groups considered to be disadvantaged. We all want to be treated equally. We all want to have every right and privilege that everyone else has.

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” - Galatians 3:26-28

I think these issues of equality are essential and are certain things that all societies are concerned about. Certainly, as Christians, we should care about equality issues and should remember to be guided by what the Bible teaches concerning the equality of all people. Here are seven essential truths concerning equality that are of great value to understand and live by.

  1. We are equal in our creation. We all are created by God and in the image of God. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” shaped and formed by God’s divine hand. In our very being, we are equal.

  2. We are equal in our fallenness. Every single one of us is a sinner. We have all fallen from God’s original plan and design in creation and are marred and disfigured by our sin and the impact of sin.

  3. We are equal in our helplessness. Each of us is entirely helpless to undo the impact of sin in our lives. We can’t make ourselves righteous, nor can we erase the sins of our past. We are completely unable to help ourselves recover the perfection of our creation.

  4. We are equal in our needs. All of us, regardless of race, sex, educational opportunities, financial wherewithal, geographic location, or any other consideration, is equally in need of a savior…that is, someone who can do for us what we can’t do for ourselves.

  5. We are all equal in the potential for change. We can all repent, confess our sin, surrender to Jesus Christ, and be transformed by The Holy Spirit.

  6. We are equal in final realities. Two things are certain, and it is not death and taxes. It is death and judgment. The scripture says that everyone has an appointment with death, and after that, will stand before God in judgment. No one escapes either reality.

  7. We are equal in God’s love. Everyone is loved by God equally. God does not show partiality. He doesn’t play favorites. He causes His sun to shine and His rain to fall and everyone. He has offered Himself as the one, perfect, atoning sacrifice for the sins of every single person who has lived, is alive, or will live in the future.

Jesus, gracious in love, is our Great Equalizer.

The truth is, we are all equal only before God and through God. As broken and sinful people in a fallen world, we need the grace and mercy of a mediator. It is said that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. True equality is found only in and through God. Jesus, gracious in love, is our Great Equalizer.