The Cost of Non-Discipleship
According to the Great Commission, our primary task as followers of Jesus is to make disciples. If we do not live as disciples who make disciples, then there will be a cost.
According to the Great Commission, our primary task as followers of Jesus is to make disciples. If we do not live as disciples who make disciples, then there will be a cost.
Just as the Great Commission tells us to go and make disciples, find out why we should approach each day as an opportunity to “go fishing.”
Discipleship is a large part of how we follow Jesus. As a disciple we are called to make other disciples. Learn how investing in others will help your faith grow.
Darlene Franks serves as an associate director of ILI for Northern California. In this podcast, Darlene shares how she came to realize she wasn’t the leader she needed to be and how the Lord equipped her for real Kingdom leadership.
Hal Perkins has a passion for discipleship. After being a pastor for 40 years, Hal left his ministry to spend time coaching others in the critical work of making disciples. In this podcast episode, Hal discusses his burden for discipleship and the desire he has to see the Church authentically relational.
Darlene Franks serves as an associate director of ILI for Northern California. In this podcast, Darlene shares how she came to realize she wasn’t the leader she needed to be and how the Lord equipped her for real Kingdom leadership.
Hal Perkins is a true discipleship coach. His focus is on making disciples of Jesus, rather than making disciples for Jesus. In this podcast, Hal discusses his standpoint on the lost art of being and making disciples of Jesus, and the importance of guarding your heart.