Power in the Little Things — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Power in the Little Things

I pastored a church for several years that had an outstanding choir. They were well-known throughout our community and surrounding areas, and people enjoyed hearing them sing and lead worship. From time to time, I would be invited to preach revival services at churches in the area, and our choir was always invited to come one night and provide special music for the service. They would usually sing about three songs, and then the choir director would turn to the congregation and say that they had one more song to sing and wanted to dedicate it to their pastor (me) just before I came to preach. She would then proudly announce that the title of the song they were dedicating to me before I preached was, “Little is much when God is in it!”

They LOVED being able to do that; of course, the congregation loved it too. I also thought it was delightful and enjoyed it, but I also realized that though they were using the title of the song to have some fun with me about my preaching, it actually was no joke.

The real truth is that if God was not in my sermon, it wouldn’t matter how “good” the sermon was. It would not bear any real fruit. But, conversely, if God was in my message, then even if it was not a “finely crafted” sermon, it would be used by God for something significant. Indeed, little IS much when God is in it!

Another way to think of this is to recognize that small beginnings can turn out to be huge things for the Kingdom of God. The scripture tells us that we should not despise small beginnings. Jesus told how the mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, but when planted, it will grow into a tree that is large enough for the birds to come and build their nests. Little is much when God is in it. The woman who gave the smallest coin as her offering actually gave the greatest offering, according to Jesus. The offering she gave was from a heart that loved God, and her little was much because God was in it.

I want to encourage you to know that every little thing we do in faithful obedience to Christ is not a little thing to God. Our faithful obedience is big to God, and He is able to use the little things of our lives in big ways. Also, realize that though the first step may be a small, even insignificant step, it can lead to a very big, significant ending. This is illustrated by the saying that “every journey begins with a single step.” We will never accomplish any great goal for Christ without the first step toward that goal. The first step may be small and may seem insignificant, but “do not despise small beginnings.” Little is much when God is in it!

Let me encourage you to simply take a step for Jesus. Make a start. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the construction did begin one day. If there is something in your heart to accomplish for the Kingdom, take a step, and make a start. Maybe you have begun but are bogged down. If so, take action. Any step. A small step. Anything to get you moving again. God will honor that step and help you take the next one. Great things will come in time because “Little is much, when God is in it!”