Servant Leadership — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Servant Leadership

Reporting for Duty

Reporting for Duty

As believers, we are called to join with others to serve the commandments and commissions that God gives us. In light of your calling to be a servant of Christ, are you ready to report for duty?

Humanity Still Exists... Even During COVID-19

Humanity Still Exists... Even During COVID-19

This leper community had not seen anyone in weeks until Silus brought them food, proving that humanity still exists… even during COVID-19.

Untied and In Service

Untied and In Service

Holy Week began with the untying of a donkey. Read how our lives should also be untied and in service to God, just like the life of this donkey.

Four Leadership Principles from Jesus

Four Leadership Principles from Jesus

Though a new trend in leadership, servant leadership has been a practice for over 2,000 years perfected in practice by Jesus, Himself. Read this blog and learn 4 ways you can be a servant leader like Jesus.

The Grateful, Humble Servant

The Grateful, Humble Servant

Throughout the Bible, Christ offers us much guidance as we live our lives to serve Him. Two stories from John illustrate our calling as servants to a King who gives much. Check it out to see if you are living as a grateful, humble servant.