When God Answers Your Broken Heart — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

When God Answers Your Broken Heart

Zechariah and Elizabeth were both, faithful and childless. They poured out their prayers for a child year after year until one day an angel appeared to Zacharias and announced, “Your prayer has been heard.”

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I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.” - Luke 1:19

The angel told Zacharias that Elizabeth would bear a son, and they were to name him John.  He would be used to bring many people to the Lord.

Do you have a prayer that you have prayed many times to God and desperately want to hear good news?

Zacharias and Elizabeth kept their trust in God and stayed faithful. They waited on God’s timing and God’s answer. It was not until years later that they received good news.

Dare to ask God to answer your prayer today,