Untied and In Service

This morning I was on a Zoom video call, which has become a regular and frequent event in my life, as I am sure it has for many of you. Peter, one of the participants, gave the ending prayer. He prayed powerfully, but one sentence jumped out at me. He prayed that just as the donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem was untied, that we could also be untied from our fears in this time.

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The Beginning of Holy Week

His prayer brought to mind the wonderful story in Matthew 21:1-11 of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. All the events of Holy Week were put into motion as the Donkey was untied to serve Jesus as the vehicle through which He would come into the city for the last time. The last Supper and His prayers in Gethsemane was a part of that week; the betrayal and arrest of Jesus was a part of that week; the scourging was a part of that week; Herod and Pilate were a part of that week; the Cross and the Tomb were a part of that week; and ultimately, the Empty Tomb and the Living Savior were a part of that week! But, it all began when someone untied a donkey and placed that donkey in the service of Jesus. 

Untied and In Service

Ever since Peter prayed that prayer, all I can think about is what would happen if we could be “untied and in service.” First, we must realize that there are many distractions that keep us from faithful service. Just imagine if we could be untied from our fears, addictions, unhealthy and unholy thoughts, and from our unforgiveness and our feelings of guilt and shame. If we could just be untied from our fleshly desires, our pride, our greed, our anger, our coveting, our idolatry, our worry, and our unyielding independent spirit, just think of what could happen! After all, an untied donkey was the vehicle used to transport Jesus into Jerusalem, propelling Him forward to the rest of Holy Week, even to Easter Sunday.

Maybe this Easter, we can begin to believe the power that made the tomb empty, is mighty enough to free us from the things that tie us down and keep us from the faithful, fruitful service we desire. Remember, Jesus not only raised Lazarus from the dead in John 11, He also commanded that Lazarus be unbound, loosened, and set free from the ties that encircled him. Let’s make this our Easter prayer this year. Let’s ask God to untie us from any and every thing that keeps us from serving Him most faithfully and effectively. Let’s pray to be “untied and in service!” If an untied donkey can serve so well, I believe God can use us in ways we never dreamed!