Finding Joy in Difficult Times
Learning to see how God is still at work around you will help you find joy, even in difficult times.
Learning to see how God is still at work around you will help you find joy, even in difficult times.
Do not confuse joy with feelings of happiness only when life is good. Remember this Christmas season that Jesus’ birth and life are centered on JOY!
We often wait to celebrate life until someone passes, but are we missing out on the joy and wonder of the gift of life here and now? Check out how Ghanaians celebrate life by giving back to God.
My father abandoned my family when I was just a year old. After years living in anger and confusion, I finally hit rock bottom. When I found myself in a dark and lonely prison cell, I knew something had to change...
There is nothing very captivating about simply putting one foot in front of the other. It is not running or soaring, but a simple steady pace. But when you think about it as our walk in faith, it can be viewed a little differently.
My father abandoned my family when I was just a year old. After years living in anger and confusion, I finally hit rock bottom. When I found myself in a dark and lonely prison cell, I knew something had to change...
Financial, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth are things we all want, right? Perhaps not. We want the end result of growth, but many of us are not willing to endure what is required to actually grow. How much do you really want growth?
Have you ever experienced a day when everything seemed to go wrong? Perhaps your tire went flat in the middle of the road and then it started raining. Perhaps your paycheck didn't stretch to the end of the month, and to make matters worse, unforeseen expenses added extreme pressure. Maybe you were hit with the dreadful “C-word” diagnosis — cancer. Every day we are hit with bad news, big or small, but some days it seems to pile up. How can we overcome days such as these?