Five Steps to a Successful New Year
With a new year beginning, we all desire to have a better year than the last. Here are five steps to help you be successful at setting and completing your goals so you can have a better year!
With a new year beginning, we all desire to have a better year than the last. Here are five steps to help you be successful at setting and completing your goals so you can have a better year!
It’s that time of year when you sit and prayerfully make plans for the new year. Here are five reasons why goalsetting is so important for success in the new year.
Leaders set others up for success by creating an environment where people want to succeed and strive to do their best. Check out these seven ways to lead others to success.
Make the best of the opportunities God gives you by setting goals. To help develop a clear plan, ask yourself these ten questions!
Remember the LONE RANGER, saving the day and riding off into the sunset? Find out why this is nice for television, but NOT for becoming a God-inspired, visionary leader.
The benefits of exercise for the body are obvious, but science has uncovered many positive effects of working out for our mind and our emotions. Check out these six benefits of regular exercise and how they enhance your leadership abilities.
There are events in life that will cause you to cast aside your difference and join together as one. A football game, fighting in a war, and most importantly, sharing Jesus' love. Check out what happened between two rival tribal groups at a recent ILI conference.