The Value of Discipline
"Spiritual disciplines" build a strong spiritual life. Are you exercising and making sure you are getting the spiritual nourishment you need?
"Spiritual disciplines" build a strong spiritual life. Are you exercising and making sure you are getting the spiritual nourishment you need?
Going uphill is hard, and we tend to complain about the climb. Downhill is different and sometimes even enjoyable. The blessings that come from the uphill climb are far more precious than those that follow the ease of the downhill journey.
The benefits of exercise for the body are obvious, but science has uncovered many positive effects of working out for our mind and our emotions. Check out these six benefits of regular exercise and how they enhance your leadership abilities.
Living a healthy life is important to all, but perhaps our main focus is on the wrong kind of health. Are you leading a healthy spiritual life?
Getting in shape takes time and can be painful, but the payoff is worth it. Our relationship with God deserves more effort than our physical bodies. Do you know how to best get in spiritual shape?
It is great to be physically fit and healthy, but it is even greater to be spiritually so. Spiritual fitness is about having a deep, intimate relationship with God. I think now is a good time to “work out.” What about you?