It is finally 2022, after a year that seemed to be over in three months. As a visionary leader, I am sure you have been thinking and making plans for this new year. Even with all the uncertainty of these crazy times, you have a vision to accomplish and goals to reach. Of course, if you are a biblical visionary leader, this vision and goals are inspired by the Holy Spirit. So, it is the time to sit down, paper and pencil in hand (why paper and pencil? Check out this post I wrote some time ago), to prayerfully make plans for the future.
What is in it for You in Goalsetting?
Let me motivate you with five reasons why you should stop everything you are doing and set goals right now.
To get a sense of Purpose and Direction. A wise person once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Setting goals plot the course of your life moving forward. It doesn’t guarantee you will achieve them but makes it easier to measure success or failure.
To make Decision-making Easier. If you have clear goals, it will be easier to decide when opportunities arise. If they help you achieve your goals, they become a priority. If they don’t move you towards your set goals, they become a lower priority, even if they sound great.
To Measure Achievement. When the end of 2022 finally comes (and it will trust me), how will you know if you had a successful year unless you have clear, actionable goals that can be measured?
To Get and Give Encouragement. Completed goals are a source of encouragement to you and others around you. I am sure you will fail to meet some of your goals. If that is the case, the right attitude can challenge you to try harder or plan better the next time.
To Obey the Teachings of Jesus. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Goalsetting is looking at the year ahead (a pretty big tower to build) and counting the cost.
So, what are you waiting for?
Plot your course for 2022 by setting specific, measurable, actionable, and realistic goals. Don’t forget to set a date for their completion, and remember the most important rule of goalsetting: write down your goals so that you can review and adjust the course of your journey through the year. Then, when the end of this year comes, you will be amazed and perhaps even surprised at what God has achieved through you.
The results are in, and we have so many amazing ways to share with you how God has used the entire ILI Global family including all the leaders and alumni to make an impact on the spread of the Gospel in 2022.