What's the most difficult sin for you to forgive? Jesus says in Matthew 6:15 if we refuse to forgive we will rob ourselves from God's forgiveness.
What's the most difficult sin for you to forgive? Jesus says in Matthew 6:15 if we refuse to forgive we will rob ourselves from God's forgiveness.
Is your life full of REGRETS? Look to Jesus’ character and actions as your example of being a Christian man or woman under ALL circumstance.
A single mother in her thirties struggles to forgive her ex-husband but something happens when she attends an ILI Regional Conference.
We are all imperfect and prone to sin. As leaders, the words we say and the attitudes we project in response can be the difference between a minor incident and a major crisis.
We live in a time filled with violence and war. Seeking for ways to respond, many question, "What would Jesus do?" The truth is, He already gave us the answer, and He made it His prayer on the cross.