Planted By Streams of Water
George Barna discovered 10 stages of spiritual growth. God plants us by streams of water so that we may experience all ten stages and flourish in Him.
George Barna discovered 10 stages of spiritual growth. God plants us by streams of water so that we may experience all ten stages and flourish in Him.
Two Sudanese refugees share the story of their conversion to faith in Jesus Christ after receiving "crates of food from the heavens." See how God was glorified as relief was offered to those in need in Sudan.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could take over the world (for Jesus) in just four steps? It may sound crazy, but these were Jesus' instructions before ascending into heaven... and He wasn't kidding.
We live in a time filled with violence and war. Seeking for ways to respond, many question, "What would Jesus do?" The truth is, He already gave us the answer, and He made it His prayer on the cross.
Taking a stand for Christ isn't easy. We can flee for our lives, deny our faith, lie, or even kept our mouths shut... Or we can be faithful to the end. Will you take a stand for Jesus?