As a single mother in her thirties, Anaya was struggling to forgive her ex-husband for being unfaithful in their marriage. Although he had been married twice before, she admits to ignoring his past and trusting him enough to marry. Later, he would betray her trust, causing their marriage to come to an end. She tried many times to forgive him, but the pain and anger was so deep in her heart, she just couldn't find the mercy for his deeds.

In August, Anaya attended an ILI Regional Conference, and suddenly she had a change of heart. During the conference, she was equipped with the Eight Core Values of the most effective Christians. God spoke to her through the sessions on Intimacy with God and Servant Leadership. She began to understand the true meaning of Christianity was not only loving our neighbors, but forgiving them as well. Through the love of Christ, she has been able to finally forgive him and have a peace in her heart where pain and anger once lived.
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
(Psalm 130:4)
Has God worked in your heart to allow you to forgive someone you never thought you could? We would love to hear your story of faith!
*For privacy, the name and picture of the person has been changed.
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