Do You Have THIS Quality of Being A Disciple?

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There is one quality most brilliant people have in common. They are teachable. If a person is not willing to learn from others and be taught, he or she will be limited in what he or she knows and can accomplish. Having a teachable spirit is one of the most important characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Jesus compares the teachable person with a seed falling on good soil which produces much fruit.

But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the Word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.
-Matthew 13:23 

God is looking for a teachable spirit, humility, and an eager acceptance of God’s Word in His disciples. We are also encouraged to look for these qualities in those we disciple. When these qualities are present and increasing in a believer’s life, he or she is on the road to spiritual maturity.

Can you think of two or three people with these qualities God might be calling you to disciple? Write down their names and begin to pray for them.

Dare to Ask God to guide you as you begin helping them grow in their faith.