It was around midnight when I walked into the living room and laid face down on the floor in the dark of night. Earlier that day, I had been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. My wife, Joy, and two young children, Hannah and Caleb, were asleep down the hall.
I was jolted, yet numb.
I slowed my breathing and bridled my emotions. A normal question entered my mind: “Why me? I’m only 37 years old.”
The answer came quickly and in the form of another question: “Why not me? I’m no different and certainly no better than anyone else. In this world, there will be sickness and pain.”
Another minute passed; another thought came to mind...
It was a scripture the Holy Spirit resurrected from deep within my memory. The words were so distinct and clear in my head that I knew it was God speaking to me. It was Romans 8:35.
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble, or hardship, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?”
“. . .or cancer?” I whispered, “Thank you, God. Nothing will separate me from Your love. Not even cancer.”
For the next year, I battled the disease and eventually recovered. The struggle was long and exhausting, but I knew that God loved me and that cancer could not separate me from His presence.
Have you ever faced personal crisis? Are you battling through one right now?
If yes, how can I pray for you today? Comment below or Write me with your prayer request and remember, nothing can separate you from the love of God.
Dare to ask God to meet you at the point of your physical needs,
This week marks the anniversary of when I completed chemotherapy, and I want to celebrate the medical community who are God’s healing instruments.
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?