I'LL Push You
Patrick and Justin were born in the same hospital two days apart. They grew up as best friends, eventually playing the role of the best man in each other’s weddings. At the age of 15, Justin was in an automobile accident that triggered a progressive neuromuscular disease, robbing him of the use of his arms and legs and eventually, confining him to a wheelchair.
Despite his suffering, God gave him a dream to tackle the Camino de Santiago, or Way of St. James, a 500-mile spiritual pilgrimage from southern France across northern Spain.
He shared his impractical desire with his best friend.
Patrick responded, “I’ll push you.”
Imagine this . . . You are Patrick, and you have just committed to pushing your best friend for 500 miles in a wheelchair . . . on rugged paths . . . over mountains. During the trip, you realize you have been doing everything to help carry your best friend's burdens, yet you have not fully surrendered to the Lord so He may carry yours.
Now, imagine this . . . You are Justin and cannot move your arms or legs. You still desire adventure in your life, but you don't want to be completely dependent on others. Then, you discover there are people who want to help and join you on your journey.
Their adventure is chronicled in their #1 best selling book, I’ll Push You. You can order the book or watch the trailer of their documentary above.
One poignant part of the book discusses the truth that “we are meant to live life together and to carry one another’s burdens” (p. 261).
The Bible proclaims this in Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ.”
Do you have a burden that is too great to carry alone? Are you willing to let others help you carry that burden?
Or perhaps, there is someone that you know who is carrying a burden that is too great for him or her, alone? I invite you to take a few minutes and reflect. Then, write me or post a comment below. Share with me a burden you need help carrying, or a burden you want to help someone else carry.
In the next few minutes, your life or the life of someone you know may change because of your response to this message.
Dare to Ask God,
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?