Fireworks — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team


I have always enjoyed fireworks. I remember getting fireworks in my Christmas stocking when I was a child, and I loved getting to shoot the Roman candles, bottle rockets, and firecrackers. I have also enjoyed more formal fireworks displays on the 4th of July, Disneyworld, and other significant events. One church I pastored in even had our own 4th of July fireworks show for the community. Of course, we couldn't match what a big city would do, but I think we exceeded all expectations and everyone had a great time. One of my daughters even left her wedding reception with a send-off of sparklers! Fireworks are a beautiful, amazing way to augment a celebration.


Fireworks are a common way to celebrate America's Independence Day (The 4th of July). In the city where I grew up (and where I live now), there is a big firework display every July 4th. Even though I have lived most of my adult life somewhere else, I have seen my city's fireworks display many more times than I have missed it.

God’s Glory in Full Display

Interestingly, when the greatest events in human history took place, there were no real fireworks. There were no actual fireworks, but there was nothing elaborate or "showy" to bring attention to every one of the significances of the events. When God came to earth in human flesh, one-star heralded His arrival to three magi. There was an angel that told a few shepherds, but the event was a quiet affair. It didn't even take place in a hotel, because there wasn't room. Also, when God in human flesh gave His life for the redemption of the world, it wasn't even noticed by most of the world and understood by far fewer. The sky darkened for a while, and there was an earthquake, but very few people even associated those events with the death of Jesus.

One day, however, Jesus will receive the recognition He is due. When He returns to the earth, He will come with fireworks! There will be a shout from the archangel of God, a blast from a trumpet that all will hear, the dead in Christ will rise from their graves, other believers will be caught up in the air…….it will be quite a show. Also, When Jesus comes back to the earth, He will not arrive in obscurity as before, but every eye will see Him. He will come with all authority and all power, and He will have dominion over all. It will be quite a show, and this is what is yet to be. The fireworks are coming!

Let Your Light Shine

So, for those who know all these things, doesn't it seem like we should at least be waving a couple of "proverbial sparklers" to celebrate Jesus right now? We know the major fireworks are what God will do in His timing, but surely we can light up a little circle around us right now. Jesus told us to be "the light of the world," and to "let our light shine." So, the next time you see a fireworks display, let it remind you of what is coming when Christ returns and how we are to display His splendor here and now. We are His people and must shine the Light of Christ for all the world to see!