God's Wisdom > World's Wisdom
The Bible often speaks of wisdom and foolishness. Nobody thinks being wise is a bad thing and being foolish is a good thing. We all recognize foolish decisions are likely to be detrimental to us and others, while wise decisions will ultimately prove beneficial.
Both, Scriptures and life experiences show it is not always easy to know what is wise and what is foolish. In Romans 1:22, Paul speaks of those who profess to be wise, but are, in fact, foolish. These people consider themselves wise and may be considered wise by those around them or even the society as a whole. They would believe and articulate suppositions widely accepted, and perhaps even celebrated as enlightened. Despite cultural support, however, the Scriptures make it clear these people may not be wise at all, but instead, may be fools.
There is a worldly wisdom and a Godly wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:25 tells us the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men. While just a few verses prior, 1:19 says “God will destroy the wisdom of the wise and frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent.” God’s wisdom is the only true wisdom. The wisdom of any person, group, or culture is wise only if it is consistent with what God said in His Word. Otherwise, their “wisdom” will prove to be foolishness.
Misaligning wisdom with God’s truth will always prove folly. Unfortunately, many people around the world are doing just that. Believing themselves to be wise, they become fools by ignoring or denying what God has said. Whenever we care more about what has been created than we do about the Creator, we are foolish. Whenever we exalt humanity over Divinity, we are foolish. Whenever we deny the truth of what God has said in His Word and substitute it for an alternative “truth” of human origin, we are foolish.
This truth applies to the sanctity of human life and when life begins. It is true with human sexuality, marriage, parenting, financial stewardship, treatment of the poor, and anything else God has spoken. True wisdom emanates from God, the source of all that is wise. Truly the scriptures tell us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). If we want to be truly wise, we will “fear the Lord, and keep His commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). What God defined as wise is the ultimate truth for every generation, every culture, and every context.
As Lent commences on Ash Wednesday, we are entering a time of introspection and prayer leading to Easter. Let us reflect on the significance of death preceding resurrection, urging readers to embrace a daily practice of surrendering self in preparation for our spiritual transformation.