What To Do When You Feel Weary — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

What To Do When You Feel Weary

Psalm 23 explores the different places God can lead us. Our lives are full of highs and lows, and when we say that the Lord is our Good Shepherd, we acknowledge He is the One we need to follow. As we surrender to His leadership, we experience His best for us.


"He leads me beside the still waters." - Psalm 23:2

God leads us to still waters. Still waters are safe. It's not a scene of dangerous, strong torrents of water. Nor a scene of raging currents but instead peaceful waters. Many translations use the term "quiet waters" to describe this place where God will lead His people, and the literal translation is "waters of rest." This is a place of quiet stillness and rest. A place of refreshment and restoration. A place where we can safely replenish and find renewal.

A place where God will "restore your soul." Imagine such a gift!

When we follow the Lord's leading, we will have times of rest. We will experience moments of refreshment and times of healing in which God restores our souls.

We all become exhausted from time to time. Our emotional, physical, and spiritual reserves can dry up. As a result, we grow tired, maybe even discouraged or depressed. But, when we allow the Lord to be our Shepherd, we can be confident that He will not allow us to lose fuel or run dry. Instead, God will always lead us to His waters that provide rest.

If you are weary, Dare to Ask God to take you to His still waters, where you will be refreshed and renewed.

In His grace,


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