What Matters Most
Our world is full of many wonderful things. It is an excellent testimony to our Creator that even this fallen world, which is under a curse, is still so magnificent. The beauty of creation remains staggering, even though it has been disfigured by the impact of sin. The intricacies of life are astounding, the colors of the world are so vibrant and varied, and the grandeur of the whole of the creation so remarkable, it is hard to sufficiently express.
Living the Best Life
Consider also the technological marvels of our age. We can fly around the world, communicate instantaneously with any part of the planet, and don't have to get up to change the channel on our television sets!
There are also so many activities we can enjoy. Things like music, art, dance, team sports, hiking, fishing, and video games all provide enjoyment and recreation.
We can drive cars that parallel park themselves, go shopping on our cell phones, and watch our favorite shows "on-demand," from anywhere we are in the world. We can exercise in a gym and monitor our heart rate and calories burned on our watches. It is truly a wonderful, remarkable, and amazing world in which we live!
A Fallen World
On the other hand, however, we see the evidence of the brokenness of this world all around us. Young mothers die from cancer. Young men are lost in automobile accidents in the prime of their lives. Babies never get to experience the beauty of this world because they are intentionally killed before they are born. There are the evils of both racism and woke-ism as experienced in our society and around the world. There are wars, genocides, brutal dictators, and injustices of all kinds. Destructive natural disasters seem to be commonplace. The lack of clean water, sanitation, and food contributes to illnesses and deaths in staggering numbers. The evidence of the profound impact of sin and the reality of the brokenness of humanity and the created order is indisputable. We live in a completely fallen world!
Only One Thing
The truth is that all of the beautiful things I mentioned at the beginning of this article have not and cannot change the realities of the previous section. There is only one thing that can transform a human being and only one thing that will ultimately transform the world. Paul speaks of this in Romans 1:16.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
The Gospel Matters Most
The Gospel (the Good News) of Jesus Christ is what changes people. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will one day restore all of God's creation. The Gospel provides the power for salvation. Nothing else can do this. Only the Gospel. Only Jesus. This is what matters most.
As Lent commences on Ash Wednesday, we are entering a time of introspection and prayer leading to Easter. Let us reflect on the significance of death preceding resurrection, urging readers to embrace a daily practice of surrendering self in preparation for our spiritual transformation.