Discovering Vision. Finding Courage.

God created you for a special purpose. Vision is the tool God uses to help you live out of that purpose.

The Bible says in Psalm 139:13-14,

For You created my inmost being;
   You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
 Your works are wonderful.

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Vision is a picture of your desired future that stirs your innermost passion and syncs your mind, body and soul. The challenge is discovering that vision and finding the courage to live it.

What do you dream for your future? Can you picture it? For some, this picture comes quickly.  For most people, they must go through a journey to discover it.

Take out a piece of paper and describe your desired future. You can use words or images.  Let it flow from your heart. Allow yourself as many drafts as needed. This is the first step toward discovering God’s vision for your life. Write us and share your vision or ask us questions so we can help.

Dare to ask God to reveal His purpose for your life,


This is the second lesson in our series on “The Power of Vision: Knowing God’s Vision for Your Life.” This series is designed to help you discover God’s greater purpose for your life.