Unbinding the Feet of China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ β€” BLOG POSTS β€” ILI Team

Unbinding the Feet of China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³

Gladys Aylward was a house servant with a learning disability who bought a one-way ticket from England to China on the Trans-Siberian Railway to follow God’s call on her life. Twenty years later, she returned to England where she was summoned to meet the Queen of England because of her incredible work. A major motion picture, starring international actress Ingrid Bergman, was even made about her life.

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Gladys Aylward was thirty years old when she dared to ask God to use her life and felt Him calling her to go to China. She applied to a major missionary organization but was rejected for her poor academic standing. Committed to the calling God placed on her life, however, Gladys saved up her money and bought a one-way ticket to China.

Once in China, she quickly learned the language and was hired by China’s government to help implement a new law that made it illegal to keep women’s feet bound, a deeply embedded and cruel cultural practice. She went on to stand up to traditional village leaders and unbind the feet of women. 

When asked, β€œWhy are you in a foreign land unbinding the feet of women?” she would tell them about her Savior Jesus. Through her work, she led many people to Christ.

The Bible says in Colossians 3:17,

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father. 

Friend, if you knew that you could not fail, what would you attempt for God?

Gladys Aylward put her complete trust in God and stepped out with bold faith. Does she inspire you as much as she inspires us?  Let us know what you think about her story.