The Sun Will Rise
We can never forget the first time we met Peter and Esther, and the first time we heard Peter preach. We were mesmerized by the gifting and anointing of this amazing couple. For more than two decades, we have co-labored together to spread the Gospel.
This is their story of Bold Obedience.
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly." — Acts 4:31
My wife, Esther, and I spent months praying over the decision to move our family to Asia for mission work. Rebekah, our daughter, hesitantly asked, “What about my friends, my family?”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “We won’t go unless you are willing, but if you go, God will bless you.” Rebekah sat in silence for a moment. Then, in an act of bold obedience, she decided to trust God and move to Asia.
The first few months in a new country were difficult with extreme heat and overcrowded schools. One night, Esther and I awoke to the sound of sobbing. Lying on her bed with her fan blasting and sweating profusely, we found Rebekah weeping from the intense heat.
This father’s heart was crushed. In desperation, I cried out to the Lord, “We have to leave. It is not fair for the children to suffer this way.” Tears streaming down my cheek, I assured her, “Daddy will take you back.” Her answer impacted me, my family, and Asia forever.
“No Daddy. In just a few minutes, the sun will come up, and I will be okay.”
I knew she meant the sunrise, but God so clearly spoke through her words. The Son, Jesus, would be made known to my family during this dark season, and we would be okay.
What is holding you back from trusting God completely? Dare to Ask God to show you how to take your next step of bold obedience for Him.
Until all worship,
God’s passion for His people can not be extinguished. Do you embody this same passion?