The Great Epiphany — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

The Great Epiphany

For much of the Christian world, Christmas is over, the decorations have been taken down and put away, and things are getting “back to normal.” The primary reminder of Christmas for many is the credit card bill that is yet to be paid. There are many Christians, their celebration of Christmas happens during the first week of January. The Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas later due to their use of a different calendar. Their Christmas celebration comes at the time others would celebrate Epiphany.


the magi found what they were looking for

Epiphany is not widely celebrated and is scarcely remembered by many. It is a time associated with the coming of the Magi to see the baby Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel. The word “epiphany” means appearance or manifestation and is used during a sudden recognition or insight. The Magi came seeking Jesus as the great King and giving Him gifts and their worship. It was a moment of epiphany, as the Magi had the revelation that Jesus was the King they had been looking for!

Something else happened on Epiphany. Jesus was recognized and understood to be the King of Kings. The Magi came to Jesus, led by the star. They understood Jesus to be the Great King that God had promised. He was a baby, born to nobody special, from a not so significant town. They found Him in humble circumstances, surrounded by no fanfare at all, yet He was revealed in all His majesty to the Magi. He made His appearance as a King to them, and ultimately the world.

recognizing the king of kings

All around the globe, people recognize Christmas. Many celebrate it, and for many, it is a day of special spiritual significance. But there is a Christmas question that is revealed in the concept of Epiphany. We need to ask ourselves at Christmas is less concerned about when we celebrate it, but rather, have we had a personal epiphany? Have we recognized and responded to Jesus as King of Kings?

Jesus’ birth is a recognized fact of history. How have you responded to this fact? Have you had an epiphany concerning who Jesus really is? Have you responded to the reality that He is not just a baby in a manger, but He is the King of Kings? Jesus appeared; the Magi had their epiphany; many others through the ages had the same epiphany concerning Jesus. Will you recognize Jesus as your King and respond to Him in worship and surrender? This is the epiphany that makes Christmas a REAL celebration.

Epiphany and christmas

It seems that Christmas and Epiphany are forever intertwined in the most significant ways, not just in the proximity of their calendar dates. The birth of Jesus is the miraculous incarnation of God in human flesh. It is a unique and powerful reality that the Eternal Word of God “became flesh, and dwelt among us.” This is a singular event that took place “in the fullness of time.” Whether it would ever be recognized by anyone or not, we celebrate something that happened on that day.