ILI's 2022 Global Impact Report
This week, we have the privilege of sharing with you our 2022 Global Impact Report. Just like in past years, God gave us more than we could ever ask or imagine. Year after year, our alumni teams continue to equip and mobilize leaders, and 2022 was no different. Watch the video below to get the full impact report for the ILI Team.
The great results have inspired us to set ambitious goals for our movement in 2023. They can’t be reached without you. Please prayerfully consider how you can equip leaders in your own sphere of influence. Reach out to other alumni and put together a team. Contact your national ILI Team to share your plans and ask for their help. Here is, in summary, what you can do.
1. Pray – Ask God to show you a strategy to equip leaders around you for the Gospel.
2. Reach out to other alumni and put a team together – Set training goals for 2023.
3. Contact your National Team – Team up with your country’s ILI leadership team for greater impact.
We hope a year from now, we will have even more exciting news to share. I hope and pray you will be part of the team that will make it happen in 2023.
Are you a leader? How can you really know? Some say you must hold a specific position in an organization or ministry. Leadership is less about your title and more concerned about who you influence. Discover five elements that make a true leader.
The results are in, and we have so many amazing ways to share with you how God has used the entire ILI Global family including all the leaders and alumni to make an impact on the spread of the Gospel in 2022.
Every healthy organization desires growth. But few organizations experience the kind of growth they desire. Think about your organization. Have you taken steps to experience significant growth?
If you are a leader looking to set goals for the new year, check out these ten questions to focus your priorities and direct your resources in a way that gives the best results and glorifies God!
With a new year beginning, we all desire to have a better year than the last. Here are five steps to help you be successful at setting and completing your goals so you can have a better year!
Every leader is just one step away from a meltdown, but with integrity, accountability, and focus, we can glorify God in our leadership. Are you protected against a aleadership meltdown?
Do you have a hard time making decisions? Here is a list of seven practices that can be helpful to accelerate and improve your process of making decisions!
One-man bands do it all, but the biblical image of leadership is not about star performers, but more like conductors of an orchestra. Are you conducting a healthy team?
When the moment for a decision comes, let’s be leaders who are well rooted in our decision-making and who see it through a biblical framework.
Have you maintained a healthy distinction between your call to ministry and your call to follow Jesus? To work wisely involves keeping the proper perspective and balance between how we work for God and how we rest in Him.
If you are leading people in these current times, you probably feel the weight and anxiety of your responsibilities like never before, but Jesus gives us the best way to overcome our fears and weaknesses.
Data and information are essential for knowing how effective your organization or ministry is, but knowing the right data to measure is the most important key to your success.