Boarding a Soviet era bus, we sat down next to Polly Poole, a man we met a few days earlier. The trip from Tallinn, Estonia to Leipa, Latvia was an eight-hour bus ride. Polly was a businessman with a passion to make Christ known to the whole world. As the bus started rolling, we said to him, "Tell us the deeper things God has shown to you".

Polly began with his personal testimony of the power of Christ to transform a life. Then, he imparted wisdom into our hearts. It was a master class arranged by God. He explained the importance of equipping leaders who will equip other leaders so the spread of the Gospel can be accelerated. He shared,
“Jesus said the ‘harvest
is plentiful but the
workers are few.”
Then he challenged us to dedicate our lives to fulfilling the Great Commission. He began to mentor us, and six years later, he served as the founding board chairman of the International Leadership Institute. When Polly went to heaven, his daughter, Pam, called and said, “We believe daddy would like for you to have his personal desk.” Today, we write from this very desk this tribute about James “Polly” Poole, who paved the way for us.

My father abandoned my family when I was just a year old. After years living in anger and confusion, I finally hit rock bottom. When I found myself in a dark and lonely prison cell, I knew something had to change...
When Maria's church was ready to send their first missionary, all eyes were on her. But when the cost seemed too high for a woman with so little, she had to choose faith or fear. Check out Maria's bold response to God's call and the incredible story of how He came through just in time.
We share our stories not to be praised, but so others may praise the One who wrote it. Will you make your story known?
Submit the story of how God has transformed your life to ILI so others may join in glorifying our great God!
When Norival's parents asked him and wife, Cristina, to join them in Paraguay, they were unaware of the seed that had been planted for God's plan just five days earlier! Check out how his parents helped pave the way for their life in missions.
Has there been an unexpected event in your life that sparked a deeper passion for Christ? Find out how God's plan for Peter’s life in leadership was set in motion.
Have you had an influential person in your life? Someone that helped pave the way for your spiritual walk? See how Brother Jack influenced one of ILI's International Directors, Jimmy.
When an eight-hour bus ride leads to a challenge to dedicate your life to the Great Commission, amazing things can happen! Read how Wes and Joy Griffin, co-founders of ILI, were inspired by Mr. James Poole!
Staring out at the poor remnants of a terrorist attack, John and his team set to work to provide relief. They never could have imagined how God would use their efforts to change the lives of four men.
After the end of a severely unhealthy relationship, Olga began to wonder why God even allowed that season in her life. When she was introduced to couple who kept God at the center of their marriage, it all became clear...
My heart sunk when ILI leaders came to my high school to talk to us about the consequences of pornography consumption. There was a silence and seriousness I had never felt with my classmates, and in a strange way, it was unifying. Now my life is on a different path. I'm not going back.
When God restores our relationship with Him, He also heals the relationship with the most important person on earth, our spouse.
Tabitha loves the Bible and loves children, but when faced with the daunting reality of nearly three million orphans in her nation, she lacked the vision to make a difference. Little did she know, God had BIG plans to use Tabitha's love for the Word to make history in Kenya.