I grew up in church but was truly born again when I was 16 years old. I was excited about Jesus and was ready to grow and learn. That’s when a pastor at my church came into my life, Brother Jack (officiant above). Brother Jack was a deeply spiritual, humble man of God. He quickly became a great influence in my early growth as a disciple of Jesus.


His simple tactic of taking scripture and conveying its truth helped develop my desire to study the Bible. I looked forward to the times when I could stop by his office, unannounced, just to spend a little time together.

After talking about the Bible
and how to talk to God, we would get
on our knees and pray together.

Brother Jack always made time for me, talked honestly and deeply with me, shared his biblical insights, and modeled a true servant of Christ. Observing his example was an incredible gift that will always have deep, profound, and lasting impact on my life and ministry. I am grateful for Brother Jack and how God used him to pave the way for me and my wife, Ann. My goal is follow in his footsteps and pave the way for others. 


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for your mission work?
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