We share our stories not to be praised, but so others may praise the One who wrote it. Will you make your story known?
Submit the story of how God has transformed your life to ILI so others may join in glorifying our great God!
We share our stories not to be praised, but so others may praise the One who wrote it. Will you make your story known?
Submit the story of how God has transformed your life to ILI so others may join in glorifying our great God!
Jesus is more than a commodity; He is our Savior. But when we choose our pleasures over His will, can we honestly say we are treating Him as Lord?
Wouldn’t it be great if we could take over the world (for Jesus) in just four steps? It may sound crazy, but these were Jesus' instructions before ascending into heaven... and He wasn't kidding.
Integrity is a big deal, but it seems to be quickly fading. To ensure we are on the right path, we must regularly ask God to search our hearts. Are you living with integrity?
Some of Jesus' last words before His death were, "I thirst." These may seem to be the least significant words He spoke from the cross, but the truth is, they offer us great encouragement.
Easter Sunday marks the greatest event in history, Jesus conquering death. While celebrating Easter is good, we must remember the events that led to this climactic victory so we don't miss the depth of the its meaning.
We share our stories not to be praised, but so others may praise the One who wrote it. Will you make your story known?
Submit the story of how God has transformed your life to ILI so others may join in glorifying our great God!
Hope is a critical component to life. It inspires us to continue to work, to struggle, to try. But what is more than hope is the source of our hope. Is your hope anchored to the infallible promises of God?
Al VomSteeg is a Senior International Director for ILI. As a husband, father of three, and grandfather of ten, Al understands the importance of fathers. In today's episode, Al continues his discussion on the overwhelming fatherhood crisis in America and shares biblical insights about the progressive nature of redeemed fatherhood. Listen to part I here.