Humanity Still Exists... Even During COVID-19

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While COVID-19 continues to affect people around the world, many are wondering when this suffering will end. Others are asking what they can do to help. 

Silas works with our ILI South Asia team seeking to alleviate the suffering around the world.

Recently, Silas brought food to a leper community on the outskirts of Hyderabad, India. Lepers face great discrimination through laws which forbid those with the disease from working jobs and traveling in public. Now, more than ever, this population is at risk as their livelihood depends on begging, an impossible task due to COVID-19 quarantine regulations. 

Isolated and alone, this leper community was filled with joy when Silas delivered food. They had not seen anyone in weeks, and one woman rejoiced,

“You coming here and distributing essentials to us has proved once again, humanity still exists.” 

Though the leper community is among one of the most overlooked and abused communities in South Asia, Silas and his team recognize the infinite value and worth of all people.

When He (Jesus) saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. -Matthew 9:36

Now more than ever, the world needs your compassion that leads to action. 

Dare to Ask God to show you where He is calling you to reflect His love for the world today,