A Real Superpower

Many children grow up enjoying super heroes. In previous generations, they learned about their favorite heroes through comic books. Then, radio programs launched featuring various heroes like The Shadow and The Green Hornet. Later, television shows were made about Superman and Batman. Now, there has been an explosion of superhero movies, many of which are the most popular films on the market. Various groups of superheroes belong to different comic book families, and people have their favorites between these groups and within the groups. Superheroes are a big deal as they seem to be a significant and lasting part of our lives.

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What makes a superhero super is his or her super power. Some can fly, some can “hulk up” and have extraordinary strength, some can spin a web. The list goes on and on. As many superheroes as there are, there are at least that many super powers.

All super powers do not necessarily have to be considered “super” special or important. Rick and Bubba are radio personalities in Alabama, USA, and they have said the new superpower is actually common sense. Of course, they are making a joke about how common sense seems to have no place in decision making today, but it is true that sometimes a super power is not necessarily something that seems, at first glance, all that super.

Jesus is a great example of this truth. There was undeniable evidence He had extraordinary power. He healed the sick, made the lame walk, fed the multitudes, and raised the dead. Exact actions consider superpowers. But one of Jesus’ greatest superpowers was actually the humility that enabled Him to take a towel and basin of water and wash the feet of His disciples. This humility that led Him, the One who had the greatest power, to be a servant is a super power indeed. In fact, Jesus as a servant leader, characterized by His humility is perhaps more astounding than the miraculous aspects of His power. Who else has ultimate power over others, yet uses His power to serve rather than being served?

There is one more power that should be considered super, though it is never typically considered. It is something available to everyone, regardless of status, abilities, education, etc. It is TRUST. Consider for a moment what trust can do. Trust can make the unbearable, bearable. Trust can calm fear, restore hope, and replace anxiety with peace. Trust can alter one’s perspective on any situation. Trust can allow you to get out of the boat and walk on water. Trust will enable you to expect great things from God and attempt great things for God. Trust enables obedience. Trust can even bring about salvation. 

TRUST at first glance, may not be all that exciting, but it is in reality, a true super power…..if the object of your trust is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.