Share God's Passion — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team

Share God's Passion

Mother Teresa, founder of the Missionaries of Charity and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, expressed a deep passion for people when she said,

“If I ever become a Saint, I will surely be one of ‘darkness.’ I will continually be absent from Heaven, to light the light of those in darkness on earth.”


In other words, Mother Teresa was expressing her desire for all people to be delivered from darkness and to know Jesus Christ, the “Light of Life.” (John 8:12)

The more intimate our relationship with God becomes, the more we will embrace God’s love for others. Just as Jesus sought lost people when He walked on earth, still today, He continues to do so. We are His messengers. Jesus desires that His passion becomes our passion.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

John 15:12

Jesus referred to those living without God as “the harvest,” ready to be gathered into the passionate love of the Father.

*|FNAME|*, God desires for everyone to be reached with the life-transforming power of the Gospel. Do you share God’s passion for the harvest? Do you love people like God loves people?

Dare to ask God to fill you with His love for others,