Persecution — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team


Recently, Fulani herdsman attacked a funeral convoy in northern Nigeria. One hundred cars full of mourners were returning from the burial when suddenly the attackers rushed from the bush and started shooting. The father of one of our team members was a part of the convoy, and he barely escaped with his life. Fortunately, my friend’s dad screamed at his driver, “GO! GO! GO!”

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While those in his car escaped with their lives, the death toll from this incident as well as other attacks that took place that weekend has now reached 206 lives lost due to these vile assaults. Hundreds more were injured, and thousands of others have been displaced.

Violent persecution of Christians is on the rise in several regions of the world, and we are issuing a global call for prayer to stand against evil in every form.

Specific places in the world that need your prayers right now include:


Jesus taught that we should always pray and not lose heart -Luke 18:1-6, so please join us in prayer that evil will be defeated in every form. Then, take some practical action to help end persecution of Christians.

If you have a story of persecution to share or want to submit a request prayer, then write me here or post a comment.

Dare to Ask God,